About Vue Vixens

Vue Vixens, a 501(c)(3) public charity (EIN 83-3866803), is an initiative founded by Jen Looper in 2018 that creates and hosts workshops to teach Vue.js to under-represented people in a cool and fun way. It is based on the successful model pioneered by Shmuela Jacobs for the Angular community (ng-girls.org) who was in turn inspired by the Rails Bridge and Django Girls initiatives. The format involves self-driven code labs completed in a workshop format in groups with mentoring by conference-goers and speakers who volunteer to help. The goal of the program is to familiarize women and those who identify as such with Vue.js in a supportive and inclusive environment. We also help conferences organize their diversity initiatives such as offering free conference tickets, and manage a scholarship fund to help offset those attendees' conference costs so that they can more easily attend. We have also hosted successful longer events such as Vue Vixens Day in Argentina. We also have many chapters worldwide! Our format is flexible, let us know how we can help you! Questions? Contact us at info@vuevixens.org

About Our Activities

What can you expect from a Vue Vixens event? Well, as a student, perhaps new to the field of frontend development, you are given the opportunity to learn about Vue.js, a cool, fresh framework for building both web and mobile apps. Over the course of a breakfast, a lunch 'n' learn, or a full day, you'll work with a mentor in small groups in a self-driven workshop. You'll complete the task of building a web app and a mobile app that will teach you about the framework and programming in JavaScript. You'll also get a chance to meet and work with like-minded students and interface with leaders in the industry - our mentors are often speakers at the conference you attend.

A note to mentors: if you're joining a Vue Vixens skulk as a mentor, firstly, thank you! Because of you, we can offer free workshops to new developers in a supportive environment. Your job is to stay with your mentees throughout the day, helping them over any difficulties and giving them a view of the life of a seasoned professional developer. You're the best! Just to be clear, anyone can be a mentor for Vue Vixens! We are grateful for your participation.

A note to students: unsure if you will fit into a Vue Vixens skulk? If you are a new Vue.js developer who identifies as a woman, you are welcome. This group’s focus is on the education and promotion of women developers, and those who identify as such. We are trans-friendly. The founder of Vue Vixens, Jen Looper, is a Wellesley College Alumna (class of '92) and takes the college's admission criteria as a blueprint. To paraphrase their statement of admissibility:

"We will admit any person who lives as a woman and consistently identifies as a woman. We also welcome those who were assigned female at birth and who feel they belong in our community of women. We seek to provide students with a uniquely empowering learning environment—one designed specifically to prepare women to thrive in a complex world."

Thank you for understanding! 🦊

Sponsoring Vue Vixens

Would you or your company like to sponsor Vue Vixens as an organization? We are very grateful that you are thinking along these lines. We are happy to accept sponsors at these levels, and recognize our Sponsors as such on our Sponsors page. We split our finances into two pots: money for our incidentals and chapters, and money for scholarships. If you sponsor Vue Vixens, you may tell us what percentage of the grant will benefit which pot.

  • Platinum: $5000 or more per year.
  • Gold: $2000 - $5000 per year.
  • Silver: $1000 - $2000 per year.
  • Software sponsor: Gift us with a software subscription.
  • Patreon sponsors: Community members are welcome to donate via our Patreon.